Joyce hails from a village in the Taung area of Northwest Province called Pudimoe. She wasn’t able to further her studies after matric. But she didn’t sit around idly. She worked as a volunteer at a youth centre. Later on she started a crisis centre to help people experiencing family abuse.
And then one day Joyce saw an advertisement inviting people to apply for a course in Johannesburg to be sponsored by the Provincial Department of Health. She applied and was accepted. That course was a diploma in Orientation and Mobility Practice.
Like others who applied, she had little idea at first what the course was about except that she would be working with blind people. This had Joyce interested from the start. And as the course went on, she grew more and more to love what she was doing. ‘I found it so enlightening to meet blind people and find out what their lives were like,’ she says about her training.
And so, it was that Joyce joined us in April 2019. ‘This chance that I got to do the work that I am doing,’ says Joyce, ‘I see it as a blessing from God.’