Today, I would like you to take 5 minutes to imagine something. I want you to imagine how you would feel if the eyes in your head suddenly stop working? Now close your eyes and walk around the room you’re in. This is what blind people like me experience every day. We are always mindful of the fact that we are dependent on others. Whether it is a young blind graduate asking someone to accompany him to work on a daily basis, a little blind child, who is always left out of games because the other children won’t play with her, or a blind single mum, depending on someone else to walk her little ones to school. This is every blind person’s reality without independence training.

With independence training, we can change that story, as we have done for the plus minus 5 000 blind people whom we have trained so far.
With independence training, a blind graduate can find her way to her lecture rooms, a blind mother can take care of her children and a blind child can get to the playground to play along with his friends.
As Parishna, our Managing Trustee said of her first 9 months at the head of SAMBT “what has been special is that I go to sleep every night, knowing that I am part of an organisation that gives blind people their independence. Our lives as blind people don’t start until we have our independence, and training is the beginning to the rest of our lives”.
Your gift of R400 will fund a lesson and ensure another blind person can take a step closer to the life-long gift of independence and dignity.
We are asking your help because every blind person could learn to walk on their own with a white cane if they had the proper training – and we want to make that possible this Christmas.
To donate please click here or deposit with Nedbank, Eastgate Branch: 192405, Account number: 1924260212. (We can provide an 18A certificate)