3 September 2020

Our Team


Our board is made up of eight Trustees . Each board member brings relevant expertise and experience to our work. Five of our trustees are blind.


Our key staff are our orientation and mobility trainers. They are heroes in their commitment and perseverance in the work of running our programmes at places both local and off the beaten track. They are all graduates of the College of Orientation and Mobility. It is their skill, dedication, and bravery even, that has helped to change the lives of about 5 500 blind people in villages and townships and schools for the blind across South Africa.

Support staff

Parishna Ramluckan, our Managing Trustee oversees the day to day running of our work. She also advocates for the formalisation of O&M within the South African context, so that all the blind people in our country can have access to this basic right. Wendy Sadie, together with Jacob Mohlomi manage the organisation. Moira Higgerty, our Orientation and Mobility expert is our monitoring and evaluation consultant. Helen Vosloo assists Parishna with business development.

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If you require any other information feel free to mail us on: info@sambt.org.za 
Your personal details will be held in confidence and not shared without your written permission.
