Beauty was one our full-time practitioners for many many years. Since her retirement, she runs one or two programmes a year for us.
It all began for Beauty Manoto back in the 1980s. She was living in Gelukspan in rural North West Province and she was looking for a job. But more than that, Beauty was looking for a calling in life.
When the opportuity presented itself to Beauty to work with blind people she says “I grabbed the chance with both arms”. She admits though that, at the time, she had no real idea what Independence Training was about. ‘But anyway, they helped me apply for the course that I would need to go on and they drove me all the way to Johannesburg for the interview. And I was accepted! From then on, training blind people became my passion. It became my calling.’
‘Working for SAMBT,’ she says, ‘is like being on tour. I have gone to so many places and learned so many things. I met so many people. I saw and learned about how they live. I learned their languages. I learned so much. For that, I am very grateful.’