We are back in the field after the summer holidays, doing that which we do best: bringing life changing independence to people who are blind or partially sighted across South Africa.
Zithulele, was one of the people we trained last year. He is blind and works at a local NGO for people with disabilities. When we asked him what the benefit of independence training was for him, he quickly skimmed through a list of new skills which he had acquired:
- “I can get out of the taxi, open my folding cane, cross the busy roads at the robots and walk straight to my office, all on my own.
- “With the signature guide, I can now sign my name on my own, even at the bank.
- “I can count my money without asking anyone for advice with my new money gage.
- “I always used to put my finger in the glass when pouring, which is fine if it is for myself, but not for someone else. Now I am proud to pour someone a glass of water.
- “And with my talking watch I can tell the time. Previously I would need to take out my smart phone, but I did not feel safe taking it out in town when there were many people around.
- “Oh, and another thing, I can now go to the FNB ATM, only the ones with buttons. I can use it. It’s so nice, I can deposit, and I can withdraw money.
“Life is easy now! Thank you for what you did!”
To our friends and funders. Thank you, for the role you played in making life easy for Zithulele.
Wishing you, the best that 2024 can offer!